
About Gahawards

Gahawards magazine is a humanitarian magazine initiated nine years ago and founded by the MD/CEO Princess Kelechi Oghene. This magazine features original articles on humanitarians, fashion show, lifestyle, businesses, celebrities, corporate world, culture, technology and politics.

Gahawards has featured individuals and businesses both local and international in the past 9 years. The magazine has featured over 8 editions and will release the 9th edition on the 10th of December, 2021.

The magazine is well known for its lists and rankings, including gahawards lists of world’s most powerful people, CEOs from different sectors, celebrities, world’s top companies, public servants, exclusive fashion runways and humanitarians.

Gahawards Fund offers financial support, scholarships and business mentoring to the “next generation” of fashion entrepreneurs. The motto of Gahawards magazine is “Celebrating Social Impact”.


Gahawards magazine exists to provide a wide range of information for all and to encourage/promote social impact.


We build connections that strengthen our nation, give hope and encourage social impact and create pathways for a more sustainable future.

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gahawards News

Wcw of the week “Irene Ochem”

Our WCW goes to Irene Ochem. Founder & Chief Executive Officer, Africa Women Innovation and Entrepreneurship Forum/Managing Director, ICO Conferences & Events Irene Ochem is

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gahawards Lifestyle

5 Foods to Fight Aging

Article Credit: Admin September 18, 2021 Eat well for a long and healthy life – that’s a mantra that we’re all familiar with, but what

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